

Giving Thanks

So Thanksgiving! Three days with all the Harts together! It was FANTASTIC.

Preface: I bought a new camera that I'm still getting used to. I mean it's a point and shoot so it's not that complicated but I somehow still manage to get blurry weird pictures. I'm awesome that way.

Truth: I cried when I put that sign up. 

Because we live so close to the airport Brad always wants to wait until the traveler is outside before we leave (which has led to guests waiting for us - not cool). I couldn't stand the idea of Alex waiting for us so I made us leave early and then I got crazy. I may have jumped out of a moving vehicle and ran through the airport because they switched Alex's gate. Why am I so awkward? At least I didn't do this

Thanksgiving dinner was great (except for when the pipe under the kitchen sink blew and sprayed water everywhere right when we were finishing the cooking - oddly there aren't any pictures of that).

We always give the kids an ornament on Thanksgiving - LOVE that tradition

After dinner the kids played roller hockey in the street while Brad and I and his parents enjoyed pie (for some reason I can't upload those pictures???). We finished the day with an evening in the whirlpool. Alex visited his best friend Derek the next day (they met at Marion and both received appointments to West Point). Even though they go to school together they don't get enough time to just hang out. That evening we went out to dinner (THANKS FOR THE GIFT CARD CHERYL!!!)

Tried to take a Christmas card photo - I think Alex DESERVES this one

Grandma's Pretty Girl

Accosting Santa

We also went downtown to enjoy the lights and music. This tunnel was so cool - I wish the picture had turned out better because that would be card worthy

On Saturday I took Alex to do some shopping and then we went to Sam's football game. This would also be card worthy except for the post coming out of Sam's head. I know I could photoshop that but that would require effort

Dakota had to work after the game so we visited her

Not pictured: the chinese buffet Sam insisted we take Alex to that night. Buffets really are not appetizing and this one was especially bad. The kids are sworn to never speak of it.

I did pretty good with Alex's departure on Sunday morning knowing that he'll be home for Christmas in just three short weeks. 

Sunday afternoon was beautiful so we started decorating, inside and out.  

Now I just have to do ALL MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. I'm usually almost done by now. Maybe I'll head out this afternoon as soon as the window guy is done. Which is kind of a long story but... 

When we bought our house four months ago there were some window issues that weren't finished by the time we closed. The seller's realtor assured us they would be taken care of but after umpteen house calls the window company said they had done what they were paid to do - but two of our windows still wouldn't stay open. Several phone calls were made and I finally got the seller's realtor to handle the problem and today a guy came out to finish the job. I was cleaning while he worked and every time I would vacuum the guy would fart really really really super loud. 

Did he think I wouldn't hear it?

Did I just tell that whole story for the first-grade humor? 
Yes. And my windows are finally fixed. 
Obviously it took some effort :)


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