


Our first Halloween in Texas was sunny and in the 80's all day. Because we live in a subdivision we thought we would get a lot of kids but I think the total was below 75. There isn't a time frame here - it's basically a free for all. At the first sound of kids outside Brad, Dakota and I went and excitedly set up in the driveway. Which may have been creepy...

Except Dakota looked like this

Seth had already left to meet friends and scare small children

Sam left for Austin early yesterday morning with the drum line to attend/compete in PASIC. He took with him every last cent he had because there is a crazy amount of vendors ("It's like the AutoShow for percussion, Mom" ). Cheryl and Alan arrived last Saturday but also headed to Austin yesterday to see the competition, have dinner with some family down there and visit the area they lived for a short time when Alan was in the Army. Hopefully the drum line does well. We previewed their show on Tuesday night and I have to say it's AWESOME. I'm sure there will be a youtube video soon, which I will definitely share. 

Because Dakota works at PetSmart we also had some super heros in the house

As soon as the festivities were over, Oliver threw up and promptly went to bed.  Our bed. Brad found other sleeping arrangements because Oliver is his baby and he didn't want to disturb him. I pushed Oliver onto Brad's side and slept like I owned the bed. Which technically I do. This morning when Brad came in to the bedroom he said "I see you've found another man" to which I replied "well, he is Spiderman". 

Oliver is back to normal today. He did not get any candy last night so we think maybe it was just from the excitement. Or he snuck out the back and saved some damsels in distress who maybe had strong perfume that made him sick. Definitely one of those two things. 

This weekend we have a football game friday night and on Saturday we are taking Alan and Cheryl to the stockyards in Fort Worth. I'm sure we will cram more into the weekend but more importantly it's just nice spending time together :)

You may have noticed in the pictures above that our landscaping is a little "unattended". That's because I'm sure there are snakes everywhere. I haven't touched a thing since we moved in. We had a landscape lady come out a couple weeks ago to identify our plants and we've come up with a plan (that includes plenty of "non-maintenance" because again, snakes).

Today it starts


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