

Type 1 Diabetes

I have so much to say about Type 1 Diabetes.
 I am committed to raising awareness.
I am committed to raising money for research and a cure.
I am committed to keeping Seth healthy.
And I am also committed to giving Seth a voice.
Because this disease is his.

This is a poem Seth wrote for school

Running Against Myself
By Seth Hart

"pat, pat" was the sound of my feet
with the nice and steady, accurate tempo
like a perfected drummers beat
and even though my blood sugar's low
"pat, pat" was the sound of my feet

"swish, swish" was the sound of my arms
synchronized with the breath of my lungs
passing by McAlpine's old creaky barns
and the trees that are speaking in tongues 
"swish, swish" was the sound of my arms

"drip, drip" was the sound of God's tears
falling down in the form of rain
scientifically called precipitation hitting my ears
or landing on the bag I carry with no shame
"drip, drip" was the sound of God's tears

"boo, hoo" is the sound of crying
running with diabetes is a hard thing to do
and the feeling is like your body is dying
with your legs like jell-o and your brain like stew
"boo, hoo" is the sound of crying


Giving Thanks

So Thanksgiving! Three days with all the Harts together! It was FANTASTIC.

Preface: I bought a new camera that I'm still getting used to. I mean it's a point and shoot so it's not that complicated but I somehow still manage to get blurry weird pictures. I'm awesome that way.

Truth: I cried when I put that sign up. 

Because we live so close to the airport Brad always wants to wait until the traveler is outside before we leave (which has led to guests waiting for us - not cool). I couldn't stand the idea of Alex waiting for us so I made us leave early and then I got crazy. I may have jumped out of a moving vehicle and ran through the airport because they switched Alex's gate. Why am I so awkward? At least I didn't do this

Thanksgiving dinner was great (except for when the pipe under the kitchen sink blew and sprayed water everywhere right when we were finishing the cooking - oddly there aren't any pictures of that).

We always give the kids an ornament on Thanksgiving - LOVE that tradition

After dinner the kids played roller hockey in the street while Brad and I and his parents enjoyed pie (for some reason I can't upload those pictures???). We finished the day with an evening in the whirlpool. Alex visited his best friend Derek the next day (they met at Marion and both received appointments to West Point). Even though they go to school together they don't get enough time to just hang out. That evening we went out to dinner (THANKS FOR THE GIFT CARD CHERYL!!!)

Tried to take a Christmas card photo - I think Alex DESERVES this one

Grandma's Pretty Girl

Accosting Santa

We also went downtown to enjoy the lights and music. This tunnel was so cool - I wish the picture had turned out better because that would be card worthy

On Saturday I took Alex to do some shopping and then we went to Sam's football game. This would also be card worthy except for the post coming out of Sam's head. I know I could photoshop that but that would require effort

Dakota had to work after the game so we visited her

Not pictured: the chinese buffet Sam insisted we take Alex to that night. Buffets really are not appetizing and this one was especially bad. The kids are sworn to never speak of it.

I did pretty good with Alex's departure on Sunday morning knowing that he'll be home for Christmas in just three short weeks. 

Sunday afternoon was beautiful so we started decorating, inside and out.  

Now I just have to do ALL MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. I'm usually almost done by now. Maybe I'll head out this afternoon as soon as the window guy is done. Which is kind of a long story but... 

When we bought our house four months ago there were some window issues that weren't finished by the time we closed. The seller's realtor assured us they would be taken care of but after umpteen house calls the window company said they had done what they were paid to do - but two of our windows still wouldn't stay open. Several phone calls were made and I finally got the seller's realtor to handle the problem and today a guy came out to finish the job. I was cleaning while he worked and every time I would vacuum the guy would fart really really really super loud. 

Did he think I wouldn't hear it?

Did I just tell that whole story for the first-grade humor? 
Yes. And my windows are finally fixed. 
Obviously it took some effort :)


Time Out

First of all, thank you so much for all your kind words and prayers. I'll admit to some last minute flight checks to make it to my Grandma's funeral, but in the end I knew I was needed here and it was ok. My mom called a few hours before the funeral to tell me my sister was reading my blog during the service and I was all "I literally spent 10 minutes writing that can I just rewrite it" but I let it go and it was nice to feel a part of the service. 

I felt a little slammed for a few days but I chalked  it up to post company let down and grandma died mourning but I finally admitted to being sick and went to the doctor today. Also Brad told me last night to go to the doctor today or else. So it turns out I'm sick, not just lazy. I got some good drugs and if I'm not better by Monday the doctor promised me a steroid shot, because I need to be 100% by Wednesday because this guy comes to town!

I can't wait to see him and smell him (yes, I smell my kids). Best. Smell. Ever. 

Also, today is Diabetes Day, during Diabetes Awareness Month. And Dakota has reminded me umpteen (gma) times. I feel guilty I haven't done anything about it yet. The truth is it's been a little crazy here with Seth's numbers. He'll run high a few days and then normal and then low and then crazy. We are smack in the middle of an "intensive testing" time to try and figure out if it's his basal rate, insulin - carb ratio, insulin sensitivity or what. If that all sounds confusing it is. The bottom line is on a good night my phone looks like this

On a bad night I've got this

So I will eventually do something to spread awareness on Type 1 Diabetes, as soon as I can think straight and maybe get more than a two hour stretch. And finish my good drugs and smell my soldier.

For now I will share the first video I made: 



I'll be honest. I never told my Grandma we were moving to Texas. I know that others had told her, but she never talked about it with me and I never had the courage to bring it up. I knew that I probably wouldn't see her again after we moved, but we took with us so many wonderful memories.

On Saturday, Grandma turned 91. On Monday, Grandma passed away. 

On both occasions I'm told she was surrounded by loved ones. She was ready. She's been ready since Grandpa died. My sister Roxanne said she thought Grandma just couldn't handle another November and I think she's right. Both my Grandpa and Dad had birthdays in late November and Grandma missed them both so much. November was a difficult month for her, so she celebrated her birthday (she wasn't one to pass on a fuss being made about her) and went home. I picture her crocheting on a couch, with Grandpa and Dad dozing in recliners near her. 

Grandma stayed with us often in Michigan. I'm so thankful for those times. I'm happy that my kids will have those memories of her. She was so entertaining and we all doted on her immensely. She called our dog Oscar, jelly donuts were bismarcks, her purse was a pocketbook and if something happened more that once it happened umpteen times. Brad put sweet and low in her wine (he makes a dry wine, she likes sweet wine). And because I know you're going to ask for it...

Brad also shared a cigar with her. 

I'm not traveling to Michigan for the service.  Because you know it takes an Army to separate me from my kids (get it, Alex is in the Army - haha) and I can't really take them out of school. We will find a way to honor her memory. Maybe with a cigar and glass of wine. 

But more likely with a jelly donut bismarck.



Our first Halloween in Texas was sunny and in the 80's all day. Because we live in a subdivision we thought we would get a lot of kids but I think the total was below 75. There isn't a time frame here - it's basically a free for all. At the first sound of kids outside Brad, Dakota and I went and excitedly set up in the driveway. Which may have been creepy...

Except Dakota looked like this

Seth had already left to meet friends and scare small children

Sam left for Austin early yesterday morning with the drum line to attend/compete in PASIC. He took with him every last cent he had because there is a crazy amount of vendors ("It's like the AutoShow for percussion, Mom" ). Cheryl and Alan arrived last Saturday but also headed to Austin yesterday to see the competition, have dinner with some family down there and visit the area they lived for a short time when Alan was in the Army. Hopefully the drum line does well. We previewed their show on Tuesday night and I have to say it's AWESOME. I'm sure there will be a youtube video soon, which I will definitely share. 

Because Dakota works at PetSmart we also had some super heros in the house

As soon as the festivities were over, Oliver threw up and promptly went to bed.  Our bed. Brad found other sleeping arrangements because Oliver is his baby and he didn't want to disturb him. I pushed Oliver onto Brad's side and slept like I owned the bed. Which technically I do. This morning when Brad came in to the bedroom he said "I see you've found another man" to which I replied "well, he is Spiderman". 

Oliver is back to normal today. He did not get any candy last night so we think maybe it was just from the excitement. Or he snuck out the back and saved some damsels in distress who maybe had strong perfume that made him sick. Definitely one of those two things. 

This weekend we have a football game friday night and on Saturday we are taking Alan and Cheryl to the stockyards in Fort Worth. I'm sure we will cram more into the weekend but more importantly it's just nice spending time together :)

You may have noticed in the pictures above that our landscaping is a little "unattended". That's because I'm sure there are snakes everywhere. I haven't touched a thing since we moved in. We had a landscape lady come out a couple weeks ago to identify our plants and we've come up with a plan (that includes plenty of "non-maintenance" because again, snakes).

Today it starts