

Let there be cake

And two months later....

I never ever know how old I am. Ever. The kids think it's hilarious but I just seriously never think about my age. With a birthday coming up I decided to do the math and impress the family. Yesterday while we were out having fun celebrating my big day one of the boys asked me my age and I immediately said "46!" and they laughed and were appropriately impressed that I knew my age. It was a lovely day and we had fun shopping and going out to lunch. I had two pieces of cake while I kicked up my new cowgirl boots. All was right in my world.

About an hour ago I opened a birthday card from Brad's sister Kellie. It said "Happy 47!". I thought she was joking but there isn't a "LOL" or a "HAHA". Maybe she made a mistake? But she's my age, and Brad's sister (smarty smarty). So I got out my calculator and did the math. And did it about five more times. Darned if I'm not 47.

The bubbas also had a birthday and turned 15. My coddled little boys are no longer little boys. They sound like Alex and look like Alex and I think if I dunked them in chlorine they would smell like Alex. (I may just do that because I'm REALLY missing my soldier boy lately). 

That is what Seth calls his "party shirt". Whenever there's a party he wears it. Sometimes he puts it on just so that we'll have a party.

Winter drum line is in full swing. That's Sam in the middle with the cymbals

They did a show at the Dallas Convention Center over the weekend. It was really awesome. Sam is next to the flame on the right with the snare. They told him not to be alarmed because there would be a flame near him. I don't think he realized how big a flame it would be. You can tell how far back I was and I could feel the heat. They told Sam he could only break formation if he was on fire.

Dakota had oral surgery to pull down the tooth that hasn't come in yet. The gum under the tooth was removed and a chain was attached from her braces to the tooth to pull it down. She is so tired of braces and looking 13. Hopefully the tooth will cooperate and her ortho phase will be completed soon.  

Brad and the boys have been skeet shooting a few times here. I'm not sure if it's skeet or clay or what you really call it. They take their guns and go shoot at things. Dakota's sorority had a father/daughter clay shoot (that's what the shirt says, right?). Because it's Texas and that's what father/daughter's do - forget the dancing. Dakota loved it and I'm sure will be joining the guys next time. Maybe I'll go too so I can show them how it's done. Once I figure out what we're doing.

We also finally got around to taking the boys to the climbing gym that's close by. They love it and I'm sure we'll be spending many Friday nights there in the future. $10 for climbing and all the gear! Here's Seth working on a tough area he's determined to conquer

Sam tried on these boots yesterday while we were shopping. Brad told him he could get them when he owned a cadillac with longhorns on the front. 

I think that will be a few years.


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