

One Year Strong

A year ago today - Seth had an appointment

A year ago today Seth was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.
The year has gone by in a haze of learning and living and yet...

I still remember sitting across from Janelle as she looked at the glucometer.
I still remember hearing the beep and Janelle saying "we have a problem".
I still remember staring at her and willing her to say it wasn't true.

I still remember kneeling in front of Seth and saying "We've got this"

And I still remember Seth's first question "Can I still go to the Air Force Academy?"
Knowing the answer to that and telling him broke my heart the most.

There have been so many highs and lows this year - literally (haha! T1 humor). There are things about this disease that consume my days and haunt my nights. My heart aches with the thoughts that my mind has to process. 

Today I choose to celebrate the strengths of Alex, Dakota, Seth & Sam. 

On his application to be a JDRF Ambassador Seth was asked who his hero is. Seth's answer was "My older brother and role model, Alex, because he gives me confidence that keeps me pushing through the day".  Thank you, Alex, for being such a strong role model and BIG BROTHER:

No one in our family has done more research on Type 1 Diabetes than Dakota. She is always sending me links to stories of research and new developments. While going into research isn't her major in college she still finds a way to incorporate it into her classes. Dakota has given presentations on the subject several times, from genetics, to research and how it affects our family. Thank you, Dakota, for using your KNOWLEDGE as power:

There are many amazing things about Sam. He is such a talented, humorous, intelligent young man that we are so proud of but the thing that gets me more than all of that is Sam's compassion. He is an example to me every single day of how to  be a caring, thoughtful human being. Sam will truly put others before himself. Sam once told me that Type 1 Diabetes has made Seth stronger than him but I know that Seth also gets his strength from the love and support that Sam gives him. In a cool, thirteen year old way : ) Thank you, Sam, for having a HEART OF GOLD:

Type 1 Diabetes is a lot to handle. Like anything that is thrown at you in life you can handle it many different ways. Seth immediately took action. Within nine months of his diagnosis Seth became an Ambassador for JDRF, raised over $1,000, organized a team and participated in a Walk for a Cure, went on an insulin pump, and began using a continuous glucose monitor. Instead of feeling sorry for himself and his new lifestyle Seth has taken an active role in determining his destiny. Thank you, Seth, for having HOPE:

Until there is a cure, Seth will not be able to serve in the armed forces but I know that there is a plan for him. And It will be AWESOME.